The South Suburbs include south suburban Cook County, Will County, as well as Lake and Porter counties in Northwest Indiana.
Get the latest updates on active transportation issues in the South Suburbs below and make sure to join our In Your Community: South Suburbs e-newsletter list. The e-newsletter comes out quarterly and offers a quick read on issues related to bicycling, walking and transit in your area.
If you are interested in learning more about any of the information provided on this page, please feel free to contact Maggie Melin at [email protected] or 312-427-0475.
Lastest News
Bike Walk Education in Schools Act passes the Illinois House and Senate
Bike rodeo tips from Chicago Heights
Kids ride free on Metra this summer
‘Tis the season to enjoy the outdoors!
We’re looking for Active Trans Ambassadors from the suburbs
Local Advocacy Groups & Bike Clubs
Bike Walk Education in Schools Act passes the Illinois House and Senate
We’re happy to report that the Illinois House and Senate passed the Illinois Bike Walk Education in Schools Act. This bill would add biking and walking safety education to the school curriculum in Illinois. Next, the bill moves to Gov. Bruce Rauner for his signature. Thank you to the hundreds of supporters who contacted their legislators to push for passage of this bill. Stay tuned for more opportunities to take action.
Bike rodeo tips from Chicago Heights
Organizing fun and engaging community events is a fantastic way to build awareness for a campaign or project you’d like to see supported by your elected officials. For example, south suburban resident Jessica Mancina organizes Chicago Height’s annual bike rodeo, an event that promotes the benefits of cycling and teaches kids bike safety skills. Check out her tips and best practices for pulling off this event every year. Save the date for this year’s rodeo on June 30.
Kids ride free on Metra this summer
Metra is now offering free rides to children age 11 and under who are accompanied by an adult between now and Labor Day. Check out the Metra website for a list of fun events and activities that you and your family can reach by train in June.
‘Tis the season to enjoy the outdoors!
Local advocacy groups, bike clubs, schools, towns and Active Trans are organizing fun biking and walking events around the region:
June 10: Active Transportation Alliance’s Executive Director Ron Burke will lead the Chicagoland’s MOST Scenic Trail Ride from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Starting in Lemont, Illinois, the 25-mile, easy-pace ride will include waterfalls, native prairie, bluffs, bogs and hidden lakes.
June 15-29: During the Bike Commuter Challenge, workplaces across the region compete to get the most employees biking to work. Both new and experienced riders are encouraged to participate.
June 30: Participate in the Chicago Heights Bike Rodeo at Commissioner’s Park.
Rides and other events: Check out the calendars of your local advocacy groups and bike clubs, including Folks on Spokes and the Joliet Bicycle Club.
And in case you missed it, check out photos from MB Bike the Drive!
We’re looking for Active Trans Ambassadors from the suburbs
Want to represent Active Trans at future suburban events and help us spread the message about the importance of walking, biking and transit to residents throughout the region? We’re training volunteers interested in becoming Active Trans Ambassadors. Those who complete the training sessions will receive special, limited-edition Active Trans Ambassador T-shirts. If you’re interested in learning more, please email [email protected]. Photo credit: James Lamb.
Advocacy training webinars
As part of our Bike Walk Every Town advocacy program, we host lunch time webinars on how you can organize and create change in your community. Visit activetrans.org/bikewalkeverytown to register for our upcoming trainings, including our June 21 webinar on event organizing ideas and tips. Check out the recordings of our recent webinars:
Election Advocacy Strategies
Communication Strategies and Messaging
Outreach Strategies and Petition Writing
How to Organize a Pop-Up Event
Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Council (BPAC) Panel Discussion
Local Community Resources
Northwest Indiana Regional Greenways & Blueways Map
Suburban Bikeways for All report
Trails Map: Google Map of planned and completed trails in Northwest Indiana and Will County
Trek Bike Store, Schererville, IN
Please email suggestions for additional local community resources to [email protected]